Victor Greywolf
I’ve noticed that a lot of people often feel very frustrated with acting. It is frustrating, I have to agree, but there are things you can try that will hopefully ease the tension and at least make the circumstances more pleasant. I’ve outlined some alternative ways to practice your art and become a better actor.
Produce Your Own Films
Look at acting or voice-over art as an outlet or venture, because that is what it is. Try honing your craft by making home movies or videos on a webcam. At least this way, you can produce films that highlight your talent and enjoy creating them. When your films are good enough, submit them to film festivals or lesser known venues.
Instead of shooting in the big cities, try smaller cities. A lot of times, there isn’t as much red tape and they are more willing to work with you. Remember, smaller venues will be easier to work with than larger ones. You’d be surprised at how many movies are made in small areas.
I am currently working on an audio book for filmmakers on a budget, and I’m already halfway through it.
Participate in Community or Student Films
Work as a production assistant for unknown filmmakers and directors. You never know when they’ll need additional actors. This could be your chance to get into movies. Be an extra; you may be seen in the final cut.
Here are some other reasons these projects could be your big break:
- Someone is going to get a shot at fame and leave the production.
- Someone will have a falling out with the director for whatever reason and leave the production.
- Someone will decide that acting isn’t for them and leave to pursue something else, which gives you, the aspiring actor, a chance.
- Someone could get sick or hurt or pass away, and the part needs to be taken over by another actor. Body doubles and voice doubles are needed when this happens. This happened with the PJ’s in 1999 and the Flintstones after the early 70‘s.
Random Thoughts
Volunteer at places that sell art. Send your album out to lesser known stations that may be willing to play your recordings. Instead of using social media to socialize, be selective in your types of sites you are using. This way, you have a chance to be taken more seriously.
Practice and Perfect Your Craft
I wanted to mention some other advice for new actors: You cannot take one acting class and be ready to move to Los Angeles or any other major city that has acting. You need to practice and perfect your craft. Also, if you don’t get the role, it is not the end of the world. It just means that one role wasn’t meant for you, but others may be. Is it negative? No. Just keep trying. Eventually, you WILL get a role.
People often think having an agent helps. It can, but the majority of the time, you can do a lot without an agent. Try other alternatives. Promote yourself. After all, who is in your cheering corner more than you, right?
Enjoy the art and make the most of it.
Victor Greywolf
Now Casting
CD Baby
Prior guest post by Victor Greywolf:
You did an excellent job, Cynthia. I salute you.
It’s all you Victor! Thank you.