Jonathan Holbrook ~ STILL

Jonathan Holbrook ~ STILL

I’m blown away by the growing number of self-funded, independent web filmmakers. I met Jonathan Holbrook, creator of STILL: The Web Series shorty after I published my interview with Anthony Blaine about 4 Hire. Like Anthony, Jonathan is funding and producing the...
Anthony Blaine ~ 4Hire

Anthony Blaine ~ 4Hire

I met Anthony Blaine from Parallel Worlds Productions on Twitter, when tweets about his upcoming web series 4Hire caught my eye. The series is about 4 childhood friends who grew up together and became vigilante hit men who “right the wrongs where justice falls short.”...
Matthew Modine ~ Actor, Filmmaker, Commie?

Matthew Modine ~ Actor, Filmmaker, Commie?

Everyone who knows me has heard me say, “Twitter has changed my life.” Well, my life expanded again this week. I cannot tell you how exciting it’s been since @Amused_Now met @MatthewModine. We discovered that both of us are working to create opportunities, so everyone...