Danica Worthy head shot

Danica Worthy

How the power in words fascinates me and inspires my journey to grow stronger was the theme of my first Amused Now guest post, written this past year as I was expressing myself as an Empowering Artist. My hope was to promote self-influence and awareness through creative outlets that each of us could relate to.

As we enter into this new cycle of the year, with remnants of remaining goals to be completed, we have given ourselves great opportunity. We have opened the windows up a little wider to purpose and room for growth and development. During these times, it is up to us to take a vested interest in ourselves and to focus on our desired goals.We have the ability to put action and effort to carry out and see these goals come forth into fruition. Our life’s journey may not always be easy, but with a positive outlook, we can make the collaborative exchanges needed to be successful.

On my life journey, there have been many beautiful things that have changed the trajectory of my life and, even with things that were not so good, I always find myself affirming with words that evoke the blessing in it all. The aesthetic thing about life  is that even in our uncomfortable moments, I believe the universe has its way of providing us exactly what we need, even if we can’t see or appreciate it at the moment.

Danica Worthy Suffering In Silence front book coverThis is one of the reasons why I remain diligent in my quest to seek clarity, which amplifies purpose for all of our existence. I’ve learned that life is for the living and we must seize every opportunity to be the gift and share that same gift with the world. In my writing, speaking, or serving, I take joy in empowering and inspiring others. My purpose in life is to serve where my passion lies and creativity is born.

My purpose for writing my upcoming book release Suffering In Silence is to give voice to those who are looking to develop and find their authentic selves without fear of being scrutinized or ostracized. I wanted to share my struggles of Suffering In Silence, my creative outlet and my giving all of myself to my work and serving others.

Through all of our endeavors, we acquire so much knowledge. The wisdom in all of this is knowing that you are always sitting in the learning seat. As creative beings,  we continually grow and evolve.

Combat your creative challenges through the freedom of being yourself. Step out boldly and affirm your greatness without worry of how you will be received. Give all that you have with passion, clear focus, and drive. Connect with those who enhance your vision, supports your endeavors and understands the importance of empowerment.

As your journey continues, it is solely up to you to do the work required, to eliminate blocks by first believing in yourself. Second, invest in the advancement, and enhancement of you. I’ve been blessed by many beacons of light who saw something great in me. As the connections were made, a resonating of my spirit began to churn. And finally, be that which you desire to be, your journey awaits you.

Danica Worthy
Suffering In Silence Facebook page

Read Danica Worthy’s first Amused Now guest post: https://amusednow.com/blog/danica-worthy-empowering-artist/