Cynthia Kahn
Cynthia Kahn launched Amused Now to share the inside scoop about up-and-coming indie artists that every indie fan should know about. Amused Now’s in-depth interviews shine a spotlight on fabulous indie talent and give you the back stories you can’t find on any other site. Because Amused Now caters to multiple types of artists, we have a wider-reaching fan base than most indie sites.
Amused Now fills the need all indie artists have for Artist and Repertoire (A&R). Because indie artists choose to release their art independent of a film studio, music label or publishing company, they have no one to help them with artist development and promotion.
As a first step to fill that gap, Cynthia Kahn created the Amused Now Blog and YouTube channel to provide an up close and personal look at all quality indie talent, from filmmakers to musicians to authors, plus all the right businesses to follow that support those artists. She extracts the audio from the video interviews to create podcasts that are also available on iTunes. Amused Now’s posts, video interviews and podcasts shine a spotlight on great talent and bring artists to new fans.
Amused Now provides indie fans with a dedicated web entertainment network to learn about new indie artists, their current projects and where to buy their work.
Join us and help us create a world where talented artists make a living doing what they love!
Cynthia Kahn, CEO and Founder
Amused Now Entertainment, Inc.
One of our featured artists, singer-songwriter Nickey Duke, explained it best in his interview:
Cynthia Kahn has been an artist her entire life. She has an MBA, plus she’s a technical Project Management Professional (PMP) and certified agile scrum master through the Scrum Alliance. With over 15 year’s information systems development experience, she is the ideal leader for a high tech company. Cynthia is also an expert blogger, video host and social media manager.
To contact Cynthia Kahn, email ckahn@amusednow.com