by Cynthia Kahn | Jul 9, 2013 | Animators
I’ve tweeted and exchanged posts with JC Little for years on Twitter and Facebook. I love her characters and cartoons, so I jumped at the opportunity to interview The Animated Woman for the Amused Now Featured Artist Series. It’s no surprise that JC is just as...
by Cynthia Kahn | Jul 2, 2013 | Broadcasters
No one can talk with Ms. Nikki Rich, CEO and host of the Nikki Rich Show, and not be inspired to rush out and start achieving their dreams. I know that every time I talk with her, I feel better about myself and my Amused Now project. When I’m with Nikki, I don’t just...
by Cynthia Kahn | Jun 27, 2013 | Actors, Filmmakers
Everyone who knows me has heard me say, “Twitter has changed my life.” Well, my life expanded again this week. I cannot tell you how exciting it’s been since @Amused_Now met @MatthewModine. We discovered that both of us are working to create opportunities, so everyone...
by Cynthia Kahn | Jun 25, 2013 | Art Licensing
Imagine household products sporting your artistic inspirations. Wouldn’t it be cool if you could walk into a department store and see your designs on clothing, towels, table cloths, glasses, dishes and garden flags? Tara Reed, art licensing specialist and Amused Now...
by Cynthia Kahn | Jun 20, 2013 | Arts Education
This week marks the end of another school year, which causes me to reflect on how fast my son, Kory, has grown up. Next year, he’ll be a senior in high school, getting ready for college! This also marks the time of year when schools begin talking about budget cuts for...