Ricky Jarman ~ Mi Amore

Ricky Jarman ~ Mi Amore

Some people have it all: talent, looks and drive to succeed. Ricky Jarman has all that and more. In addition to being an amazing upcoming star, Ricky is professional, polite and positive. In short, he’s fabulous! Ricky recently released a new video Mi Amore and album...
Sid Sudiacal ~ The Joy of Writing

Sid Sudiacal ~ The Joy of Writing

There are times in one’s life when seemingly discombobulated moments, strewn about within the mind, suddenly coalesce in one moment of clarity. It is that eureka moment that we all long for and wish would happen to us as individuals. It happens so briefly in...
Jonathan Holbrook ~ STILL

Jonathan Holbrook ~ STILL

I’m blown away by the growing number of self-funded, independent web filmmakers. I met Jonathan Holbrook, creator of STILL: The Web Series shorty after I published my interview with Anthony Blaine about 4 Hire. Like Anthony, Jonathan is funding and producing the...
Danica Worthy ~ An Empowering Artist

Danica Worthy ~ An Empowering Artist

I AM An Empowering Artist. I wrote to breathe at an early age; I took comfort in the beauty of writing. Words on paper were a means of transportation. I could be whomever and whatever I wanted to be, as I allowed my imagination to soar. In my youth, I was a quiet...
George Siosi Samuels ~ Anipreneur

George Siosi Samuels ~ Anipreneur

I met George Siosi Samuels through our mutual friend JC Little, another Amused Now Featured Artist. Like JC, George is passionate about animation. His Anipreneur website teaches animators to “apply what they know to their bank accounts.” George founded Anipreneur to...